Category: <span>Scheduling</span>


Categories Scheduling



Yes, you can do it.  If you aren’t already, you can install MusicONE on your laptop or home computer and do all of your scheduling work from anywhere with a ‘net connection. 




Album Rock stations did it first, I think.  Double-shots, two in a row by each artist played all day on Tuesday.  Two-For Tuesdays the first guy called it.  Catchy name and it was a big success, a programming idea that was soon widely used in lots of formats. 


A View-Only copy of a Music 1 library file is created each time one works with Music 1 in Multi-User mode. The Multi-user function means the station’s .m1 library file is being kept somewhere OTHER than the c:\music 1 location where it is kept when all Music 1 work is conducted from just one computer. 

General Scheduling

Here’s video showing how to get M1 to automatically, fully schedule each log without any editing stops and without violating any music formatting rule at all. It involves the use of music scheduler’s Alternative Categories.

Rules Scheduling