Category: <span>General</span>

Online Radio Box has now added something new, a “quotes” pop-up feature. If something by The Police is playing, there’ll be a quote from Sting. The screenshot below is the first time I saw it. How are they doing it, I don’t know. But, if I were programming a station today, I’d put my webmaster on the project; find out how to do it and get it on my homepage.




Selection Categories are the type that allow having songs in two categories at the same time. When a Selection category (or any other) is no longer needed, you can delete it. But first, you have to remove all the song cards that it contains.


Here’s how to select and print the default Standard playlist template. It may be printed to paper, to .pdf or to a text file.


To use the auditioning player that is on the Song Cards, Music 1 has to have the full drive\path\file name for each audio file entered in the File field. There may come a time when you need to change the drive letter or even the full path File.

General System Settings

A View-Only copy of a Music 1 library file is created each time one works with Music 1 in Multi-User mode. The Multi-user function means the station’s .m1 library file is being kept somewhere OTHER than the c:\music 1 location where it is kept when all Music 1 work is conducted from just one computer. 

General Scheduling


There are two ways to get M1 to schedule a Hit Year stager immediately before an Oldie. One way is with Linked Tracks and user-defined Link Types and you can see a tutorial about that one here. Below is a video showing the second way it can be done.

General Scheduling

Last week, I got a full look at the latest release from Cirrus Streaming. If I were programming a radio station today, this is the one I’d want. And I’d probably switch hosting to get it. 
