I’m playing two versions of the same song, a ‘live’ and a ‘studio’ recording. How can I make sure those two get separated and don’t schedule too close together?

We here in Madrid have many songs in our library that have both Spanish and English versions.  How do we keep the two versions of the same song from scheduling too close together?

On the Song Card title line of one of the songs, put the English title in brackets, then also enter the Spanish title.  Like this:
Spanish version title: Béseme
English version title:  [Kiss Me] Béseme
The text outside the brackets is what is used for comparison when M1 is separating songs of the same title. Therefore, the title of one of the version (either English or Spanish) needs to be entered on BOTH Song Cards. The bracketed text can be placed either first or last on the title line.  So, for a song in your library has has both ‘studio’ and ‘live’ versions, you could do it this way:
studio version title:   Boogie Nights
live version title: Boogie Nights [live]
Done this way, you can properly ensure that the one version of the song will not play anywhere near the other one