Category: <span>Rules</span>

Products are like “artists” for Non-music units. You can tell M1 to separate units with the same Product. They can be used like this: Say you have several PSA’s that…

Rule Violations

As you know, Music 1 was designed for “manual” scheduling and editing. If you make your edits and choices AS the schedule is being run, you get much more consistent…

Rules Scheduling Video

In my POWER category, average turnover is 2h 44m. In Category Rules, I want to set Title Separation to 1h 45m, or even to 1h 50m. But it won’t let…


We would like the tempo (medium/slow/fast) of our music mix to change throughout the day. How do we achieve this? For our main rotation music, do I just create 3…

Categories Clocks Formatting Rules Scheduling

I’m a bit confused here.  I want to make sure I don’t have two Fast songs scheduled back to back. And, I want to set it so M1 won’t schedule…


Rule Violations Scheduling

I’m looking at my song rotation history and I see one song that played in the overnight show about three months ago has repeated in the overnight show this week.…

General Rotations Rules

Hi Steve, I have the new station using Music 1 SE, but I’m having a problem with artist separation, it doesn’t seem to be working. I’m either getting a double…

Artists Rule Violations Rules

Rule Violations

Sometimes when I’m scheduling and do a song search, some of the songs show a violation flag as “Overplay”.  What does that mean? Two things can trigger this rule. First,…

Rules Scheduling